Getting Started
What does AVT involve?
Regular sessions with you and your child, fortnightly or monthly where appropriate
At Blatchington Court Trust in Hove, in your home (Sussex), via skype or a combination
Parent coaching is central to AVT; we will work together to support your child’s developing listening & language
Strategies to support your child’s social and emotional development will be integrated in sessions
Regular assessments will be carried out to monitor progress and agree goals
What does TOD support involve?
Advisory support consists of regular school visits, usually half termly or termly.
It includes observing your child in lessons, and advising on strategies to support listening, language, literacy & learning
One to one support for your child to develop social skills and promote self advocacy
Advice on acoustics and modifications to improve the listening environment
Functional listening assessments
Working with your local team
Take home messages from each sessions and reports are shared with your local team
I can contribute to your child’s Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) and Individual Education Plan (IEP)
I can visit your child’s preschool setting or school to advise on AV strategies where appropriate
Working with your child’s school
A written report with recommendations will be shared with you and the school after each school visit
I can contribute to your child’s Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) and Individual Education Plan (IEP)
In-service training to staff working with your child
Contact me for details about costs for one of school visits or ongoing Teacher of the Deaf support
Contact me for more information about costs for AVT sessions & details of charitable organisations that may be able to help with funding